Physiotherapy services

Physiotherapy services

Physiotherapists, we seek to restore your strength and mobility

Eshfaa company also specializes in providing physiotherapy services.

We strive to improve patients' quality of life and enhance their health by offering innovative and effective treatment programs.

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Healing Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists, we strive to restore your strength and mobility

Eshfaa company also specializes in providing physiotherapy services.

We strive to improve patients' quality of life and enhance their health by offering innovative and effective treatment programs.

Our dedicated team of physicians and physiotherapists work dedicatedly to provide personalized and individualized care to each patient, using the latest technology and equipment to achieve the best results. Whether you need to restore movement after an injury or surgery, or relieve pain and strengthen muscles, Eshfaa and its medical network are committed to meeting your health needs to help you regain your health and general well-being.

The patient can go to our centers to obtain his services.

He can also get the service at home.

Home service covers Cairo, Giza and Alexandria

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Healing Physiotherapy

Competitive advantages:

  • Ishafa offers doctors and physiotherapists (not technicians or athletes)
  • A choice is available between different academic degrees for doctors (practitioners, specialists and consultants).
  • Female doctors are available to perform the sessions.
  • It is available to purchase complete packages of sessions with special offers and prices.
  • Availability of the latest equipment used in the sessions.
  • A customer service team with a medical background to follow up all the time with the case before and after sessions and to respond to your inquiries at any time.
  • Quality of service provided, speed of response and commitment to time.

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What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a medical field that aims to improve health and restore movement and normal functions of the body using natural techniques and exercises. Physiotherapy uses a variety of methods and techniques, such as therapeutic exercises, massage, massage, stretching, and muscle strengthening, along with the use of electromagnetic waves, heat, cold, and hydrotherapy.

Physiotherapy is applied to a wide range of conditions and health problems, including musculoskeletal injuries, back pain, cerebral palsy, nervous system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, postoperative rehabilitation, musculoskeletal conditions, and nervous tension and anxiety.

Physiotherapists evaluate the patient's condition and develop a customized treatment program aimed at improving body functions, relieving pain, and enhancing coordination and balance.

Physiotherapy may also include directions for lifestyle modification and advice and guidance for maintaining general health.

Natural remedies are safe and harmless when performed by trained, qualified professionals.

Physiotherapy may take some time and perseverance to achieve the desired results and should be performed under the supervision and guidance of a qualified physiotherapist.

  • Eshfaa is a digital platform that specializes in Person-Centered Care (PCC), through professional case management and care coordination by an experienced professional medical support team.
  • Eshfaa was established to be your medical companion, for the best healthcare journey from A to Z, with the best patient experience management to ensure individualized care.
  • We are a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals, committed to providing the best quality medical care.
  • We offer a comprehensive range of diverse medical services to meet your health needs.

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Healing Physiotherapy

Types of physical therapy sessions at home:

Types of physical therapy sessions at home:

Here are some common types of physical therapy sessions that can be performed at home:

  1. Stretching and stretching exercises: Simple exercises to stretch muscles and improve their flexibility can be done at home, such as exercises for the neck, shoulders, back and legs.
  2. Ice and heat application: Ice and heat can be used to reduce pain and swelling at home. An ice pack wrapped in a towel can be applied to the affected area for a short time, or a hot pack held over the area can be used to relieve tense muscles.
  3. Breathing and relaxation exercises: Deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can be used to calm the body and mind and relieve stress and anxiety.
  4. Self-massage: Simple massage techniques can be used to relieve stress and improve blood circulation at home, such as neck, shoulders and hand massages.
  1. Balance and coordination exercises: Simple exercises to improve balance and coordination can be done at home, such as walking a straight line or jumping gently.

It is important that these sessions are applied with caution and under the supervision and guidance of qualified professionals, especially if you have a special health condition or previous injury.

Before starting any physical therapy session at home, it is best to consult a doctor or specialist.

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Types of physical therapy sessions at home:

Here are some advantages of physical therapy sessions at home:

. Comfort and Convenience: Home physiotherapy is a relaxing option as people can benefit from sessions in a familiar and comfortable environment.

No need to travel or wait in clinics, which contributes to saving time and effort.

  1. Flexibility in schedule: People can organize physiotherapy sessions according to their own schedule.

They can choose the time convenient for them to carry out the sessions according to their personal requirements.

  1. Sustainability: Naturopathy at home is an investment in personal health over the long term.

When physiotherapy techniques are learned and applied at home, people can continue to benefit from and repeat them on a regular basis.


  1. Better investigation of progress: With physical therapy in the home, people can better monitor their progress.

They can notice improvement and changes immediately and work more effectively to improve their condition.

5. Reliance on a selection of the best physiotherapists in Egypt, while using the latest methods and techniques to promote a rapid recovery for patients.

  1. Enhancing the patients’ physical and psychological condition through their presence in the home environment accompanied by their family members, which enhances immunity and contributes to a faster recovery of the body.

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Benefits of physical therapy

  • Strengthening muscles and tissues: Physiotherapy helps strengthen weakened muscles and improve tissue elasticity. This enhances mobility, helps avoid injuries and reduces pain.
  • Improving mobility and flexibility: Physiotherapy aims to improve range of motion and flexibility in joints and muscles. This enables patients to carry out daily activities with greater ease and flexibility.
  • Pain relief: Physical therapy works to reduce pain associated with sports injuries, muscle tension, arthritis, and other conditions.
  • This is done through techniques such as stretching, therapeutic exercises and the application of pain therapies.
  • Improve balance and coordination: Physical therapy helps improve balance and coordination between muscles and the nervous system, which reduces the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Restoration of motor functions: Physiotherapy helps patients regain motor functions after injuries or surgeries, which helps facilitate the recovery process and return to normal life.
  • Improving general health: Physiotherapy can contribute to improving general health and well-being, including improving circulation and strengthening the respiratory system.

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The most prominent cases that need physical therapy sessions at home

There are many situations that may call for physical therapy sessions at home. Among the most prominent of these cases:


  1. Accident injuries: After an accident, such as a car accident or a fall, the patient needs treatment to restore movement and strengthen the injured muscles.
  2. Post-operative cases: After a surgical operation, such as a knee, shoulder or spine operation, the patient requires physiotherapy sessions to accelerate the recovery process and restore motor functions.


  1. Chronic muscle and joint pain: In the event that there is persistent pain in the muscles and joints, such as arthritis or polymyositis, physical therapy sessions at home can be beneficial to relieve pain and improve mobility.
  2. Nervous system diseases: such as cerebral palsy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, these conditions may require physical therapy sessions to improve coordination and balance and enhance movement.
  3. Chronic diseases: such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or paraplegia. Physiotherapy at home can be part of managing the condition and improving motor function and quality of life.
  4. Athlete Rehabilitation: Athletes with sports injuries or surgeries need physiotherapy sessions at home to restore athletic performance and recover quickly and safely.



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Types and methods of physiotherapy

Types of physical therapy sessions at home:

  1. Physiotherapy sessions at home for back and neck pain.
  2. – Physiotherapy sessions at home for spine pain.
  3. Physiotherapy sessions at home for back and neck pain.
  4. Physiotherapy sessions at home for recovery after stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and paralysis.
  5. Physiotherapy sessions at home for children’s diseases such as developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and muscular dystrophy.
  6. Physiotherapy sessions at home for children’s diseases such as developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and muscular dystrophy.
  7. – Physiotherapy sessions at home for sports injuries such as muscle tears, cruciate ligament cuts, and dislocation of the shoulder joint.
  8. Physiotherapy sessions at home for rehabilitation before and after surgeries, such as fracture rehabilitation, rehabilitation after installing artificial joints, and rehabilitation before and after limb amputations. 

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As for physiotherapy methods, here are some examples:

  • For therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring the functions of the affected part to its normal movement.
  • Manual therapy, which involves the physical therapist using his or her hands to diagnose and treat certain problems.
  • Heat therapy, in which the affected muscle is heated.
  • Cryotherapy, where cold temperatures are used to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Electrotherapy, which is used to rehabilitate injured muscles and reduce pain and swelling.

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Prices for physiotherapy sessions provided by Ishafa

The prices of physiotherapy sessions vary according to some factors:-

  1. The patient's health condition
  2. Medical staff 
  3. The patient's home location
  4. required time period

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